With a sea of options of pool cue sticks to choose from, it often gets intimidating, especially for novices to choose the right stick for their pool cue. It is also tricky or rather challenging to choose the ones that meet all the challenges and needs of the player. As tiresome as it sounds, we have jotted down the five essential tips, in this article, that will help you choose the right pool cue. Follow the guide till the end to know more:

Cue length

One of the significant factors to consider before purchasing or choosing the right cue is the length of the pool cue, rather than its size. The standard length ought to be 58 inches, and it’s a suitable option for the ranges 5’8 to 6’5. However, for the taller players, they ought to request for a unique one that is also 61 inches long. Kids are generally shorter than 5’5, and hence they can adjust with a cue length of 48″ for the cue with 52″.

No matter the size or the length of the cue, it is imperative to make sure that it is straight, especially when the cue is two pieces.

The type of wrap

The wrap is a material that is used to cover the cue. It is also considered a crucial component because that was where the hands of the player would be, which will be in constant contact, especially while taking a shot. The popular wrap materials include:

  • Leather
  • Rubber

Although both the options mentioned above are suitable, it is best to avoid fiberglass because they do not offer an excellent grip while playing and often slips from the hand while playing.

The type of wrap

Cue Tip

It is the tip of the cue that usually comes in contact with the ball. Therefore, you must choose the ones that support your style of gameplay. There are many popular types of cue tips, like:

  • Soft tips: They compress with the touch of the ball, which buys an extra split second that can help in better accuracy and control.
  • Hard tips: They are built for breaking and jumping. They are also known to transfer the maximum energy to the balls.
  • Medium tips are the in-between the hard and the soft tips, and they provide a balance between speed, consistency and control ability.


Cost also plays a crucial role in choosing the right tip. A mediocre one ranges between $100 to $150, and plenty of inexpensive models are of the range of $80. Of course, at this cost, the quality is bleak and isn’t worth the time and money.

The beginner and the casual pool cues are generally at the lower price point, and it is okay because they’re good enough to practice in.